organ BUILT FROM GIOVANNI Baptist ClURLO IN THE 1778-79.
Place in choir in masonry
over the medieval principal entrance. Leaninged wooden box, fortified of paint porthole, closed superiorly from a pediment.
Flat prospectus, divided in five bring and composed with 33 reeds in stagnate with superior mitre lip and dots to hurl to the apex to the center of the inferior lip, prepared for peak for fancifuled every in accordance with the scheme 5-9-5-9-5: central reed answerable to the MI1 of the low principal 8'.
Keyboard in boxwood and ebony with riser to snail of 45 feel and D01-D05 extension with first short octave. The keys are inlaid to the center with a thin wood fillet.
Rudder bar " at buttons " ( carelessly French ), with the pedals that escape from an inclined table, constituted from 8 pedal and Do1-SI1 extension, with short octave, constantly connected to the keyboard.
Registers of wooden handcuffs with insertion of the register at left, dispose in vertical column on the right of the keyboard:
Principal 8'
Thenth fifth
Thenth ninth
Twentieth second
Twentieth sext
Twentieth ninth
Human voice
Flute in octave
Cornet at 3 shout
A teacher 'sommiere' and a 'sommiere' for the reeds of 'basseria' back, behind the walls.
Three bellowses originally actioned by respective ropes; currently by bar put on the left side of the box.
Not any registration in the tool.
Conto delle Spese del detto Massaro Francesco Sciorati quondam Giambattista (...)
Per tavole, chiodi, e brache, e ferro, e strepponi per l'Organo L. 12:6:-
Per gradini di lavagna per la scala e per l'orchestra L. 13:4-
Per colori di diversi prezzi per depingere la cascia dell'0rgano L. 19:13-
Al pittore per dipingere detta cascia L. 20:-:-
Per giornate di maestro in fare l'orchestra, agiustare le (illeggibile) e aprire una luce. Per giorni n. 48 L. 113:13:-
Per sbarchare e portare a Torrazza detto Organo L. 13:5-
Per il mantenimento dell'organaro e del bancararo L. 13:13:-4
Giornate da uomo per servire il detto organaro n. 19 da L. 12
Per spesa cibaria e giornate per andare al Porto e alla villa chiamata Cesi per trattare con il Vescovo l'affare dell'Organo, cui li pretti sono sempre stati la sorgente delle dissensioni, ed alcuni altri si erano opposti L. 7:6:-
b) 1779
Per avere spedito Giacomo Pace quondam Georgio a Genova per comandare l'organo L.37:16-
Per l'organo comprato dal Signor Giambattista Ciorlo in detta cittą di Genova L 1313:14-
Unfortunately today the organ is not in function and in a precarious state of maintenance, but intact as gone out more of two hundred years ago from the hand of the organ-builder G. B. Ciurlo.
"Laudate eum in chordis, organo" and in muffle attends.
Silvano Rodi
Sources consult:
Parish file of Torrazza
M.Tarrini e G. Bertagna "Una dinastia di organari:......" ed. Liguria
A. Borzachiello '"Note ingaune" ed. Vetta-Seminario
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