Claviil paese di Clavi

Post on the right shore of the Prino next to a Romanesque bridge, there is Clavi, a little country that seems have originate distant in the time and, in accordance with some, Roman (Lamboglia from "the medieval monuments of the west liguria").

Know in fact that the Roman villa and rustic lived in proximity of the water course and roads that, if inside, they had to connect to the principal, in this case away 'Iulia Augusta'. It seems besides probable that the 'Iulia Augusta' was recovered by an already existing one in pre-roman epoch, the away 'Eraclea', kept in use, with the opportune changes, up to all the period of Caracalla (G. P. Martino).

The existence of intern roman street that, above the bridge of Clavi, is trail crossing the left bank near to the church of  'Santa Maria dei Piani', seems find confirmation in the recovery of coins near to the bridge ond of an installation of roman epoch in the zone over away 'Ronchi'.

G. P. Martino forms the hypothesis that would be able even it doesn't treat of a secondary itinerary, but of the street Iulia Augusta, far from the coast till Santo Stefano, with a hypothetical local link: Varcavello, Castelvecchio, Barcheto, Bardellini, Artallo, Civezza.

About to the thousand, the nuns of San Benedetto build the church of Saint Mary of Piani, Saint Bartholomew in the neighbour valley (Caramagna) and that of  Saint Mary of Castellazzo to Dolcedo, creating so the three courts of Porto Maurizio, Torrazza and Dolcedo. To the death of the Adelaide countess, the Clavesana, become masters of the territory, badly bear the influence of the benedictines that move their interests to Porto Maurizio that becomes principal church and dominant castle.

In the 1228, all the territory among Taggia and Cervo gived up from Oddone and Bonifacio Tagliaferro, marquises of Clavesana, to the republic of Genova in exchange for an annual income to liras 250. In the document reads: ... castrum et locum et villam Diani, et castrum et locum et villam Portus Mauriti .. et locum et villam S.ti Georgi et locum et villam Dulcedi et quidquid habemus in ipsa villa Dulcedi et S.ti Gigrgi quidquid avus noster, tempore mortis, in ipsa villa habebat nihil in nobis retento.

How to you notice, it is missed the word castrum for Dolcedo and Saint George. This is much meaningful because seems understand that the Clavesana, in Dolcedo, and their ancestors, in the Saint George villa, had goods particularly 'near' in comparison with all the territory in their possession. The ownership of Bonifacio, marquis of Cravesana, would not be Clavi or Cravi , ( as called in the '500-'600 ), situated near to a water course and in the neighbourhoods of a main point of communication as presuppose the beautiful bridge of Saint Martino?

From the Doneaudi we know that the villa of the three 'terzieri' took name from the families that cultivated the 'mansi' they allotted from the marquises of Clavesana and that they were transformed in villages, 'to be built the houses of the farmers next to the residence of the beneficed clergyman'. Would not be so even for houses of Cravi or houses of the Cravesana?

Free of the Clavesana and stipulate the conventions with Genoa, the inhabitants of the zone form the community of Porto Maurizio.

In the 1514 the Giustiniani annotate among the villa of Dolcedo, that does 500 foghi ( about 2500 inhabitants ), even case de Cravi , post even from the Doneaudi in the 'terziere' of Saint Tommaso.

Only subsequently Cravi , at least from the point of view of the diocese, passes under Torrazza.

un carruggio case di Clavi torre quadrata di Clavi
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